Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to ScienceBox

ScienceBox relies on Helm Charts to template, package and deploy all the Sciencebox services. Helm Chart helps one to define, install and upgrade Kubernetes application.

All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.

Quick start with ScienceBox

Here’s a quick guide to get started with Sciencebox. It assumes you’re familiar with the GitHub workflow:

  1. Fork the ScienceBox repo on GitHub.
  2. Make your changes and send a pull request (PR).
  3. If you’re not yet ready for a review, add “WIP” to the PR name to indicate it’s a work in progress.
  4. Wait for the automated PR workflow to do some checks.
  5. Continue updating your PR and pushing your changes until you’re happy with the content.
  6. When you’re ready for a review, add a comment to the PR, and remove any “WIP” markers.

Previewing your changes locally

If you want to run your own local Kubernetes cluster to preview your changes as you work: Note: We suggest you to use Minikube to run and test your services.

  1. Follow the instructions in Getting started to clone and install ScienceBox and the other pre-requisite tools.

  2. Clone the Mboxed repo:

    git clone
  3. Edit the etc/ file in mboxed, to point the helm install command to the locally checked out Sciencebox charts.

  4. Run ./ to install the charts into your local kubernetes cluster for testing.

  5. Continue with the usual GitHub workflow to edit files, commit them, push the changes up to your fork, and create a pull request.

Creating an issue

If you’ve found a problem in the docs, but you’re not sure how to fix it yourself, please create an issue in the ScienceBox repo. You can also create an issue about a specific page by clicking the Create Issue button in the top right hand corner of the page.

Useful resources

Last modified October 10, 2022: add cbox arch page (1fdca37)